I note, however, that at CIDA, a seemingly independent body without a real minister and headed by public officials, it would seem that in the granting of contribution agreements, the Auditor General did not look at the thousands of contracts, but only at 30 of them, a sampling. He noted that, in 52 per cent of the cases — that is, 16 of the 30 — CIDA's rules were not followed at all.
Or, à l'ACDI, un organisme apparemment indépendant où il n'y a pas vraiment de ministre et qui est géré par des fonctionnaires, il semble que les accords de contributions, dont le vérificateur général a examiné un échantillon de 30 sur les milliers de contrats, ne respectaient pas les règles de l'Agence dans 52 p. 100 des cas, c'est-à-dire 16 sur 30 contrats.