All companies are affected: market leaders who are long established in their fields and which act as windows onto society
, such as Ericsson, Danone and Philips; players that have appeared in the wake of the liberalisation of transport, such as AOM and Air Liberté, who are making their employees pay for their failed merger and companies who carry off all the prizes for showing contempt for their employees, such as Marks [amp] Spencer, whose employees are demonstrating
today in London. We offer our support to these employees, and to th
...[+++]ose that are here in the House.
Toutes les entreprises sont concernées : des champions estampillés dans leur domaine et en qualité de vitrine sociale - Ericsson, Danone, Philips - , des acteurs apparus dans le sillage de la libéralisation du transport - AOM, Air Liberté, qui font payer aux salariés leur fusion ratée -, des champions toutes catégories du mépris des salariés, - Marks [amp] Spencer, dont les salariés manifestent aujourd'hui à Londres et que nous saluons, ainsi que ceux qui sont présents ici parmi nous.