The Ombudsman's investigation revealed that the Commission was aware of the fact (a) that the contents of the draft final report were potentially controversial, (b) that the relevant national Ministry wished to exercise editorial control over the final report before it was published, (c) that the final report was handed in more than a year after the Commission had approved the draft final report and (d) that this final report contained substantial changes as compared to the draft final report.
L'enquête du Médiateur a révélé que la Commission a eu connaissance du fait que : a) les éléments du projet de rapport final étaient potentiellement controversés, b) le Ministère national concerné a souhaité exercer un contrôle éditorial sur le rapport final avant sa publication, c) le rapport final a été rendu plus d'une année après l'approbation du projet de rapport final par la Commission, d) le rapport final contenait des modifications substantielles, comparé au projet.