These will take the form of practical instruments revolving around a package of measures to improve cooperation between the scientific communities, such as: - funding of joint projects by teams of scientists from the Community and from the independent States; 1 Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Ukraine.
On envisage des instruments opérationnels axés sur un ensemble de mesures visant la coopération entre communautés scientifiques, telles que : - le financement de projets conjoints entre équipes scientifiques de la Communauté et des Etats indépendants ; --------------------------------- (1) Armenia, Azerbadjan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kirghizistan, Moldova, Ouzbekistan, Russia, Tadjikistan, Turkenistan, Ukraine.