An interesting example, though, is one in San Francisco, in a project called iN Touch, which used what they now call medical mobile technology to work with teenage boys who were overweight and obese and from low-income families. With the app that had been developed, along with mentorship and buddy support—and this was academically reviewed—they were able to show a strong impact and a reduction in weights.
Il s'agit du projet iN Touch, qui a utilisé ce qu'ils appellent maintenant la technologie médicale mobile, afin d'aider des adolescents qui sont issus de familles à revenu faible et qui souffrent d'embonpoint ou d'obésité, en plus de l'application qui a été mise au point, du mentorat et du système de surveillance mutuelle, on a pu constater des effets considérables et une réduction de poids.