I think that would be incredibly destructive of the work of this committee, because out ther
e, as Hedy has said quite clearly, it would be perceived, and rightly perceived, that a majority of members of this committee believed the d
ecision of the B.C. Court of Appeal was wrong and that decision should be reversed by a higher court. We can't in this open session discuss where the committee is at with the hearings on the substance of our report, but let's just
say there ...[+++] could be some significant challenges in ultimately explaining where we're at should that be the first thing that goes out.
Je pense que ce serait terriblement destructeur pour le comité parce que, comme Hedy l'a bien expliqué, les gens vont penser, et à juste titre, que la majorité des membres du comité sont d'avis que la Cour d'appel de la Colombie-Britannique a rendu une mauvaise décision et que cette décision devrait être renversée par un tribunal supérieur.