The Government of Canada, which had no such provision in past disputes, is trying to plug
that loophole with clause 87(4), which states that if it: -is of the opini
on that a strike or lockout could pose an immediate and serious danger to the safety or health of the public- the board may issue an order to decide what activities should be designated and how and to what extent the employer and employees should attempt to come to an understanding. So, in the event of serious public health and safety concerns, the board will ask the partie
...[+++]s to negotiate.Alors, le gouvernement canadien, qui n'avait aucune telle disposition dans les conflits précédents que nous avons connus, s'y essaie avec l'article 87(4) qui stipule ceci: [ .] s'il est d'avis qu'une grève ou un lock-out pourrait constituer un risque imminent et grave pour la sécurité ou la santé du public .