The Consultation seeks views on a cross-border coordination framework based on "resolution colleges" for each cro
ss-border bank that would include all relevant national supervisory and resolution authorities, and would build on the existing supervisory colleges (which are being established for cross-border banks under the Capital Requirements Directive (CRD
2, see IP/08/1433). These colleges would be responsible for planning (preparation of resolution plans, agreeing principles for burden sharing, e
tc.) and w ...[+++]ould be a forum for information exchange and coordination during a crisis. The Consultation also seeks views on a role in appropriate cases for group resolution authorities to draw up a group resolution scheme, which would then be implemented by national authorities. Finally, the Consultation seeks views on the appropriate role for the newly established European Supervisory Authorities (see MEMO/10/434) in the preparatory, preventative, early intervention and coordination parts of the new framework.
La consultation vise également à rassembler des avis sur le rôle à jouer par les groupements d'autorités de résolution pour l'élaboration d'un plan de résolution global, qui pourrait ensuite être mis en œuvre par les autorités nationales. Enfin, la consultation recherche les points de vue sur le rôle approprié des nouvelles autorités européennes de surveillance (voir MEMO/10/434) dans la préparation, la prévention, l'intervention précoce et la coordination dans le nouveau cadre.