The evidence points to the need for much greater source protection (for example, from septic tanks and agricultural facilities) as well as for better treatment and supply management. The approach recently developed by the Irish authorities involves a national investment packa
ge, strategic water plans at the level of individual counties, clean-up program
mes at the level of polluted supplies and awareness-raising by the federation representing group water schemes. While this approach is welcome, as is the work of the f
ederation, ...[+++] many key measures are envisaged rather than actually in place, and what ultimately counts is the quality of the water supplied, which should have been compliant since 1985.
Cette approche, ainsi que les travaux de la fédération, sont positifs, mais nombre de mesures essentielles sont envisagées plutôt que réellement mises en œuvre, et ce qui compte en définitive est la qualité de l'eau fournie, qui devrait être conforme depuis 1985.