Indeed, until the award of the sales contract by the committee of creditors on 11 March 2014, and even after that date, complainant 3 did not provide evidence for the financing of its offer, which could justify that the sellers do not award the contract to either of both bids for which there was evidence of their financing, but that they wait for the submission of evidence for the offer from complainant 3.
Le plaignant 3 n'a fourni ni avant l'attribution du marché par le comité des créanciers le 11 mars 2014, ni après, aucune preuve étayant le financement de son offre qui aurait justifié que les vendeurs n'attribuent pas le marché à l'une des deux offres dont le financement était garanti, mais attendent la présentation de la preuve attestant du financement de l'offre du plaignant 3.