6. Is of the opinion that if the condemnation of Yulia Tymoshenko is not redressed this will defer the conclusion of the Association Agreement and its ratification while pushing the country further away from the implemention of its European perspective; expresses its concerns about the ongoing decline of democratic freedoms, as well as the eventual practice of the instrumentalisation of state institutions for partisan purposes and political revenge;
6. estime que, si la condamnation de Ioulia Timochenko est maintenue, cela aura pour effet de reporter la conclusion de l'accord d'association et sa ratification, tout en éloignant le pays de la mise en oeuvre de sa perspective européenne; exprime sa préoccupation face à la détérioration continue des libertés démocratiques, ainsi qu'à l'instrumentalisation, en fin de compte, des institutions de l'État à des fins partisanes et de vengeance politique;