What is of some concern, discussed this morning relative to a possible police investigation on matters that are at the same time being considered by this committee, is that were the police to have evidence that, in the judgment of the police and crown counsel, supported a charge being brought, an individual or individuals being brought to justice, but they could not establish that the evidence they had was obtained independently of any testimony before this committee, they could have difficulty where the argument is made that their evidence is derivative from protected testimony.
Ce dont on peut se soucier, et dont nous avons discuté ce matin relativement à une enquête policière potentielle sur des sujets qui font en même temps l'objet d'une enquête par ce comité, c'est lorsque la police détient des preuves qui, selon la police et l'avocat-conseil de la Couronne, en supposant qu'une accusation soit portée, une ou des personnes comparaissent en justice, mais qu'ils ne peuvent pas établir que la preuve a été obtenue indépendamment de tout témoignage devant ce comité.