Mr. Denis Desautels: The rates are obviously quite transparent, and the recommendation is also quite transparent, but less obvious is why the commission and the ministers involved have decided on those rates, given that (a) the actuary was recommending fairly lower rates, and (b) the surplus now is at a level that seems to be quite a bit higher than what is envisaged by both the actuary and maybe by a plain reading of the legislation.
M. Denis Desautels: Les taux sont évidemment transparents, tout comme la recommandation, mais on ne sait pas vraiment pourquoi la Commission et les ministres concernés se sont entendus sur ces taux, puisque l'actuaire a recommandé des taux beaucoup plus bas, et que l'excédent atteint maintenant un niveau qui dépasse nettement celui envisagé par l'actuaire et la loi.