We must fight on the front of protectionism, starting with the slo
gans, with the many things which have been said even in this debate. When we say that the wealthy can indulge in protectionism in any e
vent, we are saying something that is undeniably true, but we saw at Doha that, for the wealthy countries, protectionism means introducing social clauses, environmental clauses, talking about food safety and using these instruments – and we were reproached for this at Doha by Indonesia, Brazil an
...[+++]d India – for protectionism.
Quand on dit, par exemple "Les riches peuvent se permettre le protectionnisme", on ne ment pas, mais nous l'avons vu à Doha : pratiquer le protectionnisme signifie pour les pays riches parler de clauses sociales, parler de clauses environnementales, parler de sécurité alimentaire et utiliser ces instruments - comme nous l'ont reproché l'Indonésie, le Brésil, l'Inde - pour s'adonner au protectionnisme.