Hon. Ralph Goodale (Minister of Public Works and Government Services, Minister responsible for the Canadian Wheat Board and Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians, Lib.): Mr. Speaker, I had the privilege of speaking to Ms. Fraser earlier today and I will be meeting with her later this week, and beyond the all encompassing work being undertaken by the auditor general my officials are again reviewing all of the files in relation to the sponsorship program.
L'hon. Ralph Goodale (ministre des Travaux publics et des Services gouvernementaux, ministre responsable de la Commission canadienne du blé et interlocuteur fédéral auprès des Métis et des Indiens non inscrits, Lib.): Monsieur le Président, j'ai eu le privilège de parler à Mme Fraser plus tôt aujourd'hui et je dois la rencontrer au cours de la semaine.