– With regard to that quote wh
ich has now slipped onto the record, and which I cannot deny, when we had a debate on 28 November 2001 in Brussels, I remember at some stage concluding my remarks by saying à propos the
suggestion that Mr David Martin has just put on the record, that one half
of me, being Irish, wanted to have a drink but the other half, bein
g Scottish, did not wish ...[+++] to pay for it.
- Concernant cette déclaration, qui vient d'être révélée par M. David Martin et que je ne peux renier, je me souviens que, lors de l'un de nos débats, le 28 novembre 2001 à Bruxelles, j'avais dit incidemment, en concluant mon propos, que ma moitié irlandaise voulait prendre un verre mais que l'autre moitié, écossaise, ne souhaitait pas le payer.