But at the same time, when we do that, we've built into our tax structure so many damn disincentive things—clawbacks, this, that, and the next thing—that although we support the lowest-income and the less-well-off people, we sure don't want them to climb up very far. When you start moving from $20,000 of income, up to $25,000 and $27,000 and $28,000, which is below the average industrial wage, you find the marginal tax rates for many people in those income classes are 50%, 60%, 70%.
En effet, lorsque le revenu augmente de 20 000 $ à 25 000 $ ou 28 000 $—ce qui est inférieur au salaire moyen dans l'industrie—les taux d'imposition marginaux sont de 50 p. 100, 60 p. 100 ou 70 p. 100 dans ces tranches de revenu.