The measures in the bill will allow the government to
revoke the Canadian citizenship of people with dual citizenship who are members of an a
rmy or an organized armed group engaged in armed conflict
with Canada. In conclusion, I
should mention the question of lost Canadians, those born befo
re January 1, 1947, when the first ...[+++] Citizenship Act came into force, or, in the case of Newfoundland, before 1949, who have not so far been entitled to the benefits, privileges, and responsibilities of Canadian citizenship.
En conclusion, je dois mentionner la question des Canadiens perdus, c'est-à-dire les personnes nées avant le 1 janvier 1947, date d'entrée en vigueur de la première Loi sur la citoyenneté, ou, dans le cas de Terre-Neuve, avant 1949, qui n'ont toujours pas droit aux avantages, aux privilèges et aux responsabilités de la citoyenneté canadienne.