At fi
rst, the government didn"t know what was going on and was completely i
ndifferent, then it wanted to sweep everything under the carpet until after the elections, and ultimately it was responsible for a panic reaction which was out of all proportion and which led to the entire world boycotting so-called Belgian products, although it was my country, Flanders that suffered most from this, since the lion"s shar
...[+++]e of so-called ‘Belgian’ exports are, of course, Flemish exports.
Le gouvernement ne savait tout d"abord pas de quoi il retournait, s"en souciant aussi peu que de sa première chemise, a ensuite voulu étouffer l"affaire jusqu"après les élections et s"est enfin rendu coupable d"une réaction de panique tout à fait exagérée qui a provoqué, de part le monde, le boycott soi-disant des produits belges, boycott dont mon pays, la Flandre, a cependant le plus souffert puisque dans ce qu"on appelle les exportations «belges», les exportations «flamandes» se taillent en fait la part du lion.