Experts confirm that, since 2000, the availability of petroleum world wide has been constantly decreasing (see, for example, Jörg Schindler and Werner Zittel, ‘World wide trends in energy demands and availability of resources’, Ludwig-Bölkow-Systemtechnik GmbH, Ottobrunn, October 2000; Colin Campbell and Jean Laherre, ‘The
end of cheap oil?’, March 1998; Basler Prognos Institut, Peter Hofer, Die ZEIT No 4, 29 October 1998; Ken Chew, IHS-Energy Group, Geneva; L.B. Magoon, ‘Are we running out of oil’, US Geologi
...[+++]cal Survey).
Les experts constatent que la mise à disposition au plan mondial des ressources pétrolières est en régression constante depuis l'an 2000 (voir par exemple: Jörg Schindler et Werner Zittel, "Weltweite Entwicklung der Energienachfrage und der Ressourcenverfügbarkeit", Ludwig-Bölkow-Systemtechnik GmbH, Ottobrunn, octobre 2000; Colin Campbell et Jean Laherre, "The end of cheap oil", mars 1998; Basler Prognos Institut, Peter Hofer, Die Zeit n° 4, 29 octobre 1998; Ken Chew, IHS-Energy Group, Genève; L.B. Magoon, "Are we running out of oil", US-Geological Survey).