During the years that there were commutations taking place, and I am sorry I do
not have the exact figures today, I understand that approximate
ly 200 persons were released under the auspices of the National Parole Board, in most cases with the consent of the governor in council. Of those approximately 200, my recollection is that there were only one or two who reoffended and who were subsequently arrested for various offences and brought into prison (1300 ) In other words, in terms of the safe
...[+++]ty of the public, the risk of releasing persons serving long sentences, murderers in particular, is minimal.
De ce nombre, je crois qu'une ou deux personnes seulement ont récidivé et ont par la suite été arrêtées pour divers délits et ramenées en prison (1300) Autrement dit, en ce qui concerne la sécurité du public, le risque qu'il y a à remettre en liberté des personnes condamnées à de longues peines, surtout des meurtriers, est minime.